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How can I buy players?
First scenario: The manager is starting his or her career and must buy players to form the first team.
In this case you must buy players that cost a maximum of 1/11 of the money you have, around 550,000 F€.
The manager must go to the “Buy Players” page and select based on the section, the signings and age (youth or adult).
I recommend you buy an equilibrated team in each section with at least one substitute and buy players that are not signed and without training.
It is also necessary to buy at least 4 youths to start the game.
Second scenario: The manager already has a team and wants to purchase new players.
He or she can buy in different ways:
- player without signing: buy the player as in the first case. All you need is the money to buy him. 2. player with signing: you can buy the player by paying him; you can exchange him with other players on your list; you can win a player at auction.
Manager menu – “Players management”
Manager menu – “Players management” From this section you can check your team and make some important operations.
The players are displayed in a table and can be ordered by number ( (N°)), position, name, age-value, just by clicking on the corresponding buttons.
Every player has got his own number on the t-shirt (from 1 to 35) which is displayed on the column N°. N.. If a player has not got a number, the button “assign number” will appear. Clicking on “assign number” or on the number of a player is possible to get to the page “assign a number to a player”, here it is possible by clicking on the drop-down menu, to select a number which has not been assigned yet for a player who hasn’t got number or change the number of player who has already got a number
On the left of the players’ names you can see the eventual red or yellow card given to each player. Through the player data sheet (see below) it is possible to check how many days of disqualification were imposed to that player.
The other operations are specifically dedicated to each player and are referred to the buttons on the right of the line of every player:
Player data sheet: It allows you to check the complete profile of the player, i.e., general information, such as performance, features, the moral condition, training and player statistics.
Delete player: it allows you to delete a player from your team. This will be back on the market. It requires confirmation in a special page. The elimination of a footballer does not bring any money in the coffers of the company.
Auction: By clicking on this button it is possible to go to the page which allows you to make a player-auction. There are displayed the terms of the auction, the expiring date and the value of the player. To make a player auction it is necessary to enter the auction’s base price into the depending square (choose the base price) and click the “proceed” button. A notice will be shown as confirmation that the auction has been started correctly.
Going back to the “players management” page we will see that on the right of the player’s line will disappear the following buttons: “delete player” , “auction” and “player for sale/not for sale” and the “check auction in progress” button. By clicking on this button it is possible to see the recap of the auctions and to cancel the auction in progress if no bids has been made yet (see topic “player auctions”).
If the button “auction blocked“ appears it means that is not possible to make an auction for that player until the button appears which shows that the auction is possible. The button “auction blocked “ appears when a player has been bought recently, by clicking on the button a window will appear showing the date after which you can sell that player at an auction. Moreover until that date it is not possible to make the player saleable. (see below)
Player not for sale: this picture means that the player is not saleable. Normally the players are not for sale, by clicking on the button you can make a player for sale, it will appear the “player for sale” button. When this picture appears other managers can offer money or other footballers can buy the player (see the topic “buy players”).
Manager menu – “Team formation “
The “Team formation” page enables you to select which formation will be used in your next match.
Every formation is displayed with a picture of a small simplified pitch with some black points as players. The arrows show how the players will help a specific division.
For every formation there are three variations: Classic, Middle and Attack
The choice of the type of team formation depends mostly on your tastes and the players at your disposal but it also can depend on how much you know about the opposite team formation.
To select a formation click on the corresponding picture. Once selected the formation will appear on the menu next to the link of the “Team formation” page.
Changing of the formation modify the position of the players on the “Regulars” page, thus could be necessary to change the regulars’ selection.
Team menu – “Regular players” section
From the “Regular players” section you can select the players who will play the next match and you can use the advanced game options.
The choice of the regular players depends on the team formation previously selected. In fact on the “Regular players” section will be displayed 11 boxes placed depending on the formation chosen. These boxes can be empty (at the start of the game) or occupied by the regulars selected for the previous match.
Clicking on the drop-down menu on each of the 11 boxes it is possible to select the player who is going to take part at the next match in that position. Once selected, the name, picture, skills, condition and mood of the player will appear into the box.
You can choose to not select any player by selecting N/A from the drop-down menu but in this case nobody will play in that position.
If a player is expelled during the match, a red notice on the home page will warn you that not all the regular players have been selected, in the corresponding box will appear: n/a.
Note that the injured players will not be deselected by their boxes. It will take care of the manger to replace them before the next match, unless you decide to leave them play, despite their health conditions. During the selection of the regulars it is possible to check the bench thanks to the button
“see bench”. >>>.
All not regular players will be listed and can be ordered by number, position, name, skills, health or mood condition.
To hide the bench list just click on the button: “hide bench” <<<.
Clicking on the advanced options button it is possible to use some of the advanced functions of the game.
First of all you have to set the minimum condition level which indicates the level under which a player is automatically substituted. You can choose the minimum level just by selecting the percentage of the drop-down menu.
Despite the substitution during a match, a regular player remains on the regulars’ list after the match.
In the end it is possible to select the players who will kick the penalties, corner and free kicks. You just need to select the player from the depending drop-down menu. If no player has been selected the game will choose automatically who will kick.