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    Any user can claim about the availability of services.
    Its owners may not be deemed to be in no case with in the event of interruption server or programming imperfect
    The occurrence of disadvantages for a user caused by interruptions server, programming imperfect not entitle the user to require the restoration of the state of their Account to before the event.
    ofootball is a platform that allows users to communicate between themselves and the users and are responsible for the content of their communications.
    ofootball, its owners and/or administrators may not be held liable for any damage caused by the use of this game.
    For this we remind you that participation over computer games involves the risk of personal damage.

    -is prohibited to use names on accounts (users), coaches and/or of teams that refer either to offensive terms or to clear sexual, religious or making reference to any political faction or religious doctrine, also in the case in which the term that’s offensive is an acronym
    In the cases detected, if the censure of content not to complied, a possible penalty can be enacted that varies according to the gravity.

    The sharing of the account is absolutely prohibited. Each account may be used by one person, with the exception of a temporary account-sitting (as the Babysitting) that must be subject to the following (and mandatory) rules

    The sharing of the account is absolutely prohibited. sitting. You can entrust its account to third parties only and repeat only following (the letter) the rules here:

    1. An account can be left in trust to a maximum of 7 consecutive days.
    2. A person can only take care of a single account over their own. The account received in expectations and it may be in the same world of ofootball.
    3. Having returned the account to the owner 7 days must pass before the same account can be entrusted again.
    4. During the account-sitting may not be modified nor the e-mail address or the password of the account. Nor can you take advantage of the budget in any way possible. An Account entrusted, must not have active market operations, nor does carry out and not receiving. Furthermore, cannot start Championships if’s in sitting not already contribute to one.
      The sitter CAN ONLY BE GRANTED THE CREATION OF games friendly for freezare’s not. Finally, to each time possible, are granted the regular workouts to players of the rose. It is compulsory report to the moderator/operator of the world the account-sitting, declaring: user, team and coach of custody, user, team and coach of entrusted and period in which will be expectations.

    In principle each player should have a single account in each world of ofootball. All the multiple accounts of the same individual may be penalised by the operators of the game. Account created only to create teams satellites (the checks are certified) are considered as multiple accounts.
    If some consumers access the game using the same IP (school, company, the pc of house) you/they must try that they are separate individuals and to just signal to a Moderator / Operator of his/her own world servants the aforesaid accounts. And’ edited by the player to verify not to have any common (type the email) formulation when the IP and’ identical among various account. And’ forbidden to enter to account of relatives, friends, colleagues with the same IP without.
    Any effected iteration, also indirect, except friendly competitions, among consumers that enjoy some same address IP, hands to the to a sanction to work of the operators of the game.
    To supply the actual data of access to another gambler, also alone for to make them look at briefly the situation of the actual squad I return in the multiaccount and like such comes punished. The only IP in commune never the sole element for that comes sanctioned for multiaccounting.
    And ‘good and right thing in case of doubts or to precautionary title signal to the Moderator of the actual world the presence of more users from the same house, business, school, family, etc., where well-known dall’utente.

    Account change.
    Every individual account the person to which is bound belongs the permanent address email introduced in the
    creation of the account.
    If of the users exchange accounts without the assistance of a Moderator/Opertatore of the game, will not be taken in consideration of requests, unless do not come carried out directly from the permanent email of the account.
    If of the users they exchange themselves account without the assistance of a Moderator/Opertatore of the game, will not be taken in consideration you it it or requests, unless do not come carried out directly from the permanent email of the account. Besides, it there is not account of backup or I recover of account if the exchange of the account happens without assistance of the broker.
    The Moderators/Operating of the game only cannot exchange easily between them two account but can guarantee the safety that the operation happens without contraband.

    Bug Using.
    To exploit mistakes, malfunzions or bugs in the planning of oFootball to actual advantage – the so-called bug-using – is not allowed. And ‘asked for to every gambler of to restore the bug found immediately, thanks all’ To exploit bug to take advantage in the game carries to the block of the account for minimum a day, until indefinite time to second of the severity of the uncovered bug.
    To the same manner the not to restore the bug. To discretion of the Moderator/Broker of the game, could be arrived also to the definitive ban dell’ account.

    Installations and methods that cause ecessive traffic across the server or that can penalize the normal unwinding of the game, should be omitted. Particularly automatic script they are forbidden or semi-automatic, capable of to interact with the database of the game or that create orders of game. Their utilization carries to an immediate ban and persisting from the whole game.
    The staff of oFootball is reserved the right to ask the damages with a to amount equal to the damage caused more the covering of the administrative expenditures

    Extortions and threats or any hostile action checking the life of the gamblers to the out from the game (physically in “real-life” and not in the “virtual life” on the web), can cause permanent and irrevocable block of the account.

    To do pushing means to interact with another account without some apparent fair Service in change. And’ severely forbidden and punishable aside of the Moderators/Operating in the game. The pushing is reported to:

    • Irregular Conduct of market: the market is monitored from a judge, that is occupied to approve or except for the exchanges; the alone approval of the judge however does not guarantee the total regularity of the exchanges; in the cases in which should be led to not fair market of operations limit (even if approved from the judge), actions therefore to favor alone an of two squad involved in the exchange, damaging so I play it the situation reserve to verify themselves and if necessary to apply sanctions that vary to second of the seriousness of the conduct.
    • Irregular Conduct of market: the market is monitored from a judge, that is occupied to approve or except for the exchanges; the alone approval of the judge however does not guarantee the total regularity of the exchanges; in the cases in which should be led to not fair market of operations limit (even if approved from the judge), actions therefore to favor alone an of two squad involved in the exchange, damaging so I play it the situation reserve to verify themselves and if necessary to apply sanctions that vary to second of the seriousness of the conduct. An irregular conduct of market reiterated is able potrate to the permanent ban from the game.
    • Not to line up l’ whole formation taking advantage to the victory l’ opponent, distorting this way the regularity of the championships and allowing all’ opponent extended to win without problems the prize seemed.
    • It Create groups of users of comfortable to facilitate a special squad, in the negotiations of market going around the rules of Multiaccount and of irregular market, is forbidden.
      The Moderators/Operating provvederannoa to take measures that I can arrive until the ban of everything the involved.

    Moderation. For requests of explanations in merit to warnings received in game or you sanction it goes used this email address: [email protected] N. B. And’ important to remember itself always of to indicate the name of the actual squad and the
    world of belonging, so to be able receive explanations in more rapid manner and detailed.

    The actions of a Moderator/Broker of the game, person in charge for a given world, can be canceled alone dall’ Admin.


    • If a gambler is found disadvantaged because of either planning of mistakes other malfunzionamenti or however mistakes of the team oFootball, generally has not title to repayments or I restore some state of the account to first that the mistakes happened. Naturally, it will decide, then, l’ admin, contacted from the responsible broker, the exception and/or l’ more consistent action to undertake.
    • If a gambler should want to avoid a decision of a Moderator or his Implications, contacting another broker I pertain to the same argument, will be excluded from the game. Exception: to contact l’ Admin.

    conditional Operating Generals.
    The gamblers that cannot accept the general conditions operating of oFootball, because of their nationality, of the their age or for other reasons, are represented from the operating conditions standard, using, in addition, the interpretations it of the rules. This way, it does not come established some legal tie between the gambler and the general conditions operating; however, in the judgment of the problems, all of the gamblers maintain an equal position.

    The Moderators/Operating of the can apply sanctions, more or except for severe, in the cases in which come broken one or more points of this regulation. The actions liable to measures can be summarized in :

    Irregular Multiaccount
    irregular Market
    Corrupt Account
    Sharing Account
    Exchange account done not signal
    Affronts to the Staff
    Falsehood (to sell itself for Moderator, threats commendable BAN)
    Affronts to other users of the game
    Request of goatee
    Extortion with threats
    Irregolar according (formation, you reconcile illicit, conditionings)
    Violation of Sitting regulate
    not consistent Names of squads, names user and names manager.
    The measures can vary according to the seriousness dell’ violation committed, can carry to a simple one I recall, to a fine (reduction of the budget of the squad charged), to a ban of some days from the game, to a combination of quest’ last (fine + ban of some days), and, in the most serious cases, to the permanent ban from the game.


    All the violations, listed in this regulation, can lead to the block of the temporary account and/or persisting, therefore, to the exclusion from the game. To second of the severity of the offensive action, the punishment can be extended to all of the worlds of oFootball and likely to further stocked services from oFootball like the official forum.

    Eventual situations, make conditional, actions, done not regulate and done not discipline from this regulate come amended and signalled to [email protected].